- www.gsc.edu.hk
- +852 2336 3388
- info@gsc.edu.hk
Inno Gala 創科薈萃2024 (4 – 6 October 2024)

Professional dialogues @ HKUST (13 May 2024)

GSC Retreat: Shenzhen (9 & 10 January 2024)

On 9 January 2024, 17 principals of the Grant Schools Council set off the 2-day study trip to Shenzhen. The objectives of the trip were to learn about and experience first-hand latest developments in the Greater Bay Area, network with leaders in the tertiary and business sectors, and explore opportunities for collaboration to enrich students’ learning, and enhance mutual understanding and fellowship among Grant Schools Council.
Principals visited Hong Kong University Shenzhen Hospital in the first session on Day 1. The Hospital was opened on 1 July 2012. As the affiliate teaching hospital of HKU Health System, HKU-SZH aims at providing quality healthcare services to patients, facilitating research, teaching and training, and exploring the reform of public hospitals and medical cooperation between Shenzhen and Hong Kong to further promote the healthcare integration in the Greater Bay Area.
In the 2nd session, the group visited Hong Kong Business School Shenzhen Campus, which offers dual-location teaching programmes with Hong Kong campus. Scholars in both locations also jointly conduct research projects.

The second day of our educational retreat in Shenzhen was a valuable and insightful experience for all principals as we visited the headquarters of Tencent. As one of the world's largest and highest-grossing companies, Tencent is a relatively young company that was established in 1988 but has since grown to become a multinational technology conglomerate. Its services encompass social networks, music, web portals, e-commerce, mobile games, internet services, payment systems, smartphones, and multiplayer online games.
The day commenced with a warm welcome and a group photo session in Tencent's Exhibition Hall, where we had the opportunity to explore the innovative technologies and projects developed by Tencent. Apart from witnessing their creativity and innovation, what impressed us the most was Tencent's commitment to sustainability. Guided by their mission of "Tech for Good," we learned how a business model can strive to promote sustainable innovations for social value while simultaneously embracing the consumer Internet and the industrial Internet.
This was followed by an engaging sharing and dialogue session with key figures at Tencent, including Mr. John Lo, Chief Financial Officer and Senior Vice President, and Mr. James Tsz Shu Li, Senior Director. We discussed various topics such as Tencent's youth development programs, educational technology tools, talent development strategies, and potential collaboration opportunities.
Overall, the visit to Tencent was enlightening, providing us with valuable insights into the latest advancements in technology and education. The visit fostered new ideas, connections, and potential collaborations that will have a positive impact on our educational institutions.
AYAH Lunch Gathering in Dec 2022

GSC Chairmen, Mr Dennis Yuen presenting GSC History Book and Souvenir to SED, Dr Choi Yuk-lin, JP after the meeting on 25 November 2022

Group photo of GSC Principals with SED, Dr Choi Yuk-lin, JP
 Prayer chain 2022_artwork_FINAL_rev-01.jpg)
Prayer Chain for the HKDSE Examination
Grant Schools Council 80th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service (3 July 2021)

Principals and student representatives of the 22 Grant Schools each carry an altar candle as they march in procession down the aisle, marking the beginning of the 80th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service.

Signifying the light of God, the candle of each grant school is presented to the altar, illuminating our hearts and souls.

The Thanksgiving Service is officiated by Cardinal John Tong Hon, Apostolic Administrator of Catholic Diocese, Hong Kong (left centre), The Most Rev. Andrew Chan, Archbishop and Primate of Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui, Rev. Dr Eric So, General Secretary of the Hong Kong Council of the Church of Christ in China, and Rev. Tim Lam, President of the Methodist Church, Hong Kong (from left)

Mr. Cheng Kwun Kit Allan, Chairman of the Grant Schools Council (2020-21), delivers his welcome remarks.

Dignitaries & Celebrants include Mrs. Carrie Lam, GBM, GBS, Chief Executive of the HKSAR (centre) and Mr. YEUNG Yun Hung, Kevin, JP, Secretary for Education (left centre)

Group photos of participants, which include students and teacher representatives of the 22 Grant Schools, and former office-bearers of the Grant Schools Council

The Thanksgiving Service brims with gratitude, hope and love.

The Teachers’ Choir brings mesmerizing music from Heaven to the Service.

The historic and grand Christ the King Chapel fittingly hosts the Grant Schools Council 80th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service.

The Programme Book is also a book of reminiscences.
Zoom Meeting (16 July 2020)

Prayer Chain for the HKDSE Examination

AYAH Dinner (June 2019)
6 generations of GSC chairmen at AYAH Dinner 2019
GSC Principals 2018-2019
GSC Retreat: Macau (April 2019)

Educational Tour to Singapore (March 2018)

Purpose: To better understand the education system and culture of Singapore, and to develop networks with schools there

Themes: Character Formation, STEM and Global Education
2016/17 or before
GSC Retreat (2017)

AYAH Dinner (2017)